Sparkly Polish receives an average of 250,000 page views a month and is growing constantly. Our audience consists overwhelmingly of avid fashionistas. If you are a fashion or nail webstore, nail designer or other business looking to offer your product or services to such an audience, you may be interested in advertising with us.

Why advertise with us instead of a large advertising agency?

We offer you more control over how your advertising is displayed and presented. With an advertising agency, you have little control over which websites your ad appears on and how it is positioned on a page. Both of these things are crucial to an ad’s effectiveness. With us, you know exactly who will see your ad, and we would be more than happy to discuss how and where your ad can be positioned.

Advertising Ideas

  • sponsor a services or service location.
  • sponsor a category of destign or technique or written article
  • Post photographs
  • purchase a site-wide banner or text advertising

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